Spring 2024- Family Business
Shawn Smith - PsyQd Owt
Alvin Coghill - Professor X
DeShawn Holmes - Prime Time
George Monroe - WreQ’n Ball
Herb Robertson - sQrew Face
Charles Silver - Quiet Storm
Larry Miles - AcQuitted
Antonio Burt - The JoQer
Patrick Wilcox - Naughty by Nature
Timothy Silver - FanatiQ
Erwin Harris - Qoolin Owt
Ronald Haley - Quiet Assassin
Marcus Van - Show Stoppa
Martin Van - Double TaQe
Eric Tyler - HouZe Qeeper
Fall 2022- Asynchronous 7
James Harris- Qrash Qourse
Jonathan Berry- MiQro Processor
Victor Oliver- Qonnectivity Issues
Garry Jones- Qorrupted File
Sean Alston- Qaps Lock
Theodore Tyler-Qomputer Love
Dalron McAllister- Max Q-pacity
Spring 2021 - 4 Unusual SuspeQtZ
Tiont Williams - ReQonnected
Alonzo Coleman - StatiQ ShoQ
Adrian Allen Robertson - ShowQwt
John Wynn - Quiet As Qept
Spring 2018 - SonZ of AnarQhy
Craig Parsons Jr. - LoQ Down
William Morris - BlaQ n Mild
Joseph Acquaye - Best Qept SeQret
Steve Dixie - Owt BaQ / BaQ Owt
Courtney Muse - Qhoir Boy
Raynard Martin - Owt of Time
Bradley Taylor Jr. - LightZ Owt
Terrell Fowler - Qontrolled Qhaos
Marvin Jones - Long Time Qoming
Fall 2016 Smokehouse Boys - Tradition Continues
Craige Mickins - Black Hawk Down
Cedrick Wilkins - X-Ray
Josef Harrison - HulQ
Desmond Burris - Control FreaQ
Nigel France - Indecent Exposure
Kyle Jackson - Blind Side
Spring 2015 – Life after Death
DeAndre Hayes - Scarface
Authur Brown - RoQ Steady
Johnnie H. Ambrose III - Q.I. Joe
Gerard Reynolds - KojaQ
Kenneth Williams Jr. - Lazarus
Anthony Garrett - CyQlops
Bakari Taylor - Iron Man
Fall 2012 – Triple Threat
Anthony Mills - Shooq
Semaj’ White - FreeQ-Style
Antwyne Hines - Six-9
Spring 2011 – 8 Men Thoroughly Immersed
Andre Calliss - HardRock
Kelly Gardner - I am Legend
Jay Allen - Iron Chef
Samuel Campbell - LiveWire
Nicholas Davis - Sgt.Slaughter
Jerome Kearney - Father Time
Jamal Kelly - Predator
Brandon Nance - Unusual Suspect
Spring 2009 – Critical Condition
Johnathan Miller - Long Haul
Vincent Robertson - Major Payne
Henry Ottwann Atkins - T Pain
Darius Johnson - Ceasar
Lavalle McInnis - Old Skool
Dion Foxx - Hercules
Spring 2007 – Tenacious Trinity
Edward “Bebo” Johnson - Transformer
Jayvondrian “Jay” Neal - Supernova
Waliyyuddin “Wali” Sabari - Shell Shocked
​Spring 2005
Tony Liggons
Steve Malone
Gilbert Johnson
Fall 2002 – Mysterious 3
Adolphus Maples - Houdini
Charles “Chuck” Johnson - White Shadow
Eugene Colden - Re-Run
Spring 1999 – 14 Hours till Armageddon
Brandon Powell - Austin Powers
Xavier Shannon - Soul Man
Ronald English - Hard Times
John “Rick” Wyatt - Smooth Operator
Jerry Lucas - The Professional
Louis Simmons - Mastermind
Bakari Watkins - Juvenile
Aaron Jones - Ballistic
Wendell Allen - Judge Dread
Earl Weaver - Main Event
Marcellus Heflin - Ruff Ryder
Douglas Glover - Corporal Punishment
Andrew Harvey - Atlas
Bill Wooldridge - Big Punisher
Spring 1996 – Great Expectations
Kevin Meyers - Fast Forward
Jeroyd “Jay” Green - Die Hard
Darrell Hill - Pandimonium
Theodore Caul - Short Fuse
David Lambert - All For One
Eric Hopkins - Mortal Combat
Howard Carn - Higher Learning
Tim Keeles - Clockwork
George “Butch” Ross - Full Metal Jacket
Fall 1992 – Silent Voyage
Charles Neil - Speed Racer
Aubrey Jones - Barney Rubble
John “JD” Alexander - Leathal Weapon
Dandridge Billups - Full House
Stephen Holmes - The Inquistador
Kevin Hart - Hop-A-Long
Charles Smith - Public Enemy
Antoine Frazier - Steeltown
David Williams - D-Money
Stanley Bay - Edward Scissorhands
John Wilkerson - Doc Savage
Summer 1991
Fred Johnson - Flash
Ronnie Cain - Big Daddy Cain
Craig Parsons - Sugar Ray
Tommy Hayes - Big $ Grip?
Troy McLaughlin - Verishnakoff
Randy Byrd - Strictly Business
James Clark - Educator
Chip Anderson - Legacy AKA Dr. Pain
Spring 1990
Benjamin Lambert IV (Missing Link)
Gordon P. Sloan
Ellis A. Henderson Jr. (Comptroller)
D’Oliveira Jones
Charles H. Anderson Jr.
John R. Williams Jr.
Dean – Kevin Jackson
Spring 1989
Kevin L. Goodwyn
Harold E. Harris Jr.
Pearly Nicholson Jr.
Jeff Smith
Dean – Anthony Rogers
Spring 1988
Andrew Aheart
Wade Ellegood
Robert Greene Jr.
Kevin E. Hobbs
Darryl Jackson
Larry Thompson
James Watkins
Dean – Alvoston Taylor
Spring 1987 – The Progressive 10
Brian Telfair - Brainiac Maniac
Milton Howze - The Instructor
Nelson Colbert - Mr. Everything
Isaiah Barnwell - I B Illin'
Norman Jones - Stormin' Norman
Lawrence Logan - The Incredible Hulk
Raymond Davidson - You can call me Ray. You can call me Jay.
Cephus Jackson - Privy
Reginald Coles - Papa Smurf
Harold Parker - Weird Harold
Dean – Alvoston L. Taylor Jr.
Spring 1983
Eddie Allen (Mole)
Douglas E. Faison (Chuck Berry)
Lester Bernard Hairston
Weldon Smith (Preacher Man)
Dean – Clarence Evans
Spring 1979 – Number 7
Ralph Balfour
Tim Conway
Clarence Evans - C-Ball
Tyrone A. Gaines - Grizzly Adams
Rayford L. Harris Jr. - Honcho
Clifton White - Alpha-Balfa
Vernon F. Williams Jr. - Grandpa
Dean – Jesse Chavis
Spring 1977
Jesse H. Chavis Jr.
Vincent C. Eley
Waverly Tillar