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Spring 2024- Family Business

  1. Shawn Smith - PsyQd Owt

  2. Alvin Coghill - Professor X

  3. DeShawn Holmes - Prime Time

  4. George Monroe - WreQ’n Ball

  5. Herb Robertson - sQrew Face

  6. Charles Silver - Quiet Storm

  7. Larry Miles - AcQuitted

  8. Antonio Burt - The JoQer

  9. Patrick Wilcox - Naughty by Nature

  10. Timothy Silver - FanatiQ

  11. Erwin Harris - Qoolin Owt

  12. Ronald Haley - Quiet Assassin

  13. Marcus Van - Show Stoppa

  14. Martin Van - Double TaQe

  15. Eric Tyler - HouZe Qeeper


Fall 2022- Asynchronous 7

  1. James Harris- Qrash Qourse

  2. Jonathan Berry- MiQro Processor

  3. Victor Oliver- Qonnectivity Issues

  4. Garry Jones- Qorrupted File

  5. Sean Alston- Qaps Lock

  6. Theodore Tyler-Qomputer Love

  7. Dalron McAllister- Max Q-pacity


Spring 2021 - 4 Unusual SuspeQtZ

  1. Tiont Williams - ReQonnected

  2. Alonzo Coleman - StatiQ ShoQ

  3. Adrian Allen Robertson - ShowQwt

  4. John Wynn - Quiet As Qept


Spring 2018 - SonZ of AnarQhy

  1. Craig Parsons Jr. - LoQ Down

  2. William Morris - BlaQ n Mild

  3. Joseph Acquaye - Best Qept SeQret

  4. Steve Dixie - Owt BaQ / BaQ Owt

  5. Courtney Muse - Qhoir Boy

  6. Raynard Martin - Owt of Time

  7. Bradley Taylor Jr. - LightZ Owt

  8. Terrell Fowler - Qontrolled Qhaos 

  9. Marvin Jones - Long Time Qoming


Fall 2016 Smokehouse Boys - Tradition Continues

  1. Craige Mickins - Black Hawk Down

  2. Cedrick Wilkins - X-Ray

  3. Josef Harrison - HulQ

  4. Desmond Burris - Control FreaQ

  5. Nigel France - Indecent Exposure

  6. Kyle Jackson - Blind Side



Spring 2015 – Life after Death

  1. DeAndre Hayes - Scarface

  2. Authur Brown - RoQ Steady

  3. Johnnie H. Ambrose III - Q.I. Joe

  4. Gerard Reynolds - KojaQ

  5. Kenneth Williams Jr. - Lazarus

  6. Anthony Garrett - CyQlops

  7. Bakari Taylor - Iron Man


Fall 2012 – Triple Threat

  1. Anthony Mills - Shooq

  2. Semaj’ White - FreeQ-Style

  3. Antwyne Hines - Six-9


Spring 2011 – 8 Men Thoroughly Immersed

  1. Andre Calliss - HardRock

  2. Kelly Gardner - I am Legend

  3. Jay Allen - Iron Chef

  4. Samuel Campbell - LiveWire

  5. Nicholas Davis - Sgt.Slaughter

  6. Jerome Kearney - Father Time

  7. Jamal Kelly - Predator

  8. Brandon Nance - Unusual Suspect



Spring 2009 – Critical Condition

  1. Johnathan Miller - Long Haul

  2. Vincent Robertson - Major Payne

  3. Henry Ottwann Atkins - T Pain

  4. Darius Johnson - Ceasar

  5. Lavalle McInnis - Old Skool

  6. Dion Foxx - Hercules


Spring 2007 – Tenacious Trinity

  1. Edward “Bebo” Johnson - Transformer

  2. Jayvondrian “Jay” Neal - Supernova

  3. Waliyyuddin “Wali” Sabari - Shell Shocked


​Spring 2005

  1. Tony Liggons

  2. Steve Malone

  3. Gilbert Johnson


Fall 2002 – Mysterious 3

  1. Adolphus Maples - Houdini

  2. Charles “Chuck” Johnson - White Shadow

  3. Eugene Colden - Re-Run


Spring 1999 – 14 Hours till Armageddon

  1. Brandon Powell - Austin Powers

  2. Xavier Shannon - Soul Man

  3. Ronald English - Hard Times

  4. John “Rick” Wyatt - Smooth Operator

  5. Jerry Lucas - The Professional

  6. Louis Simmons - Mastermind

  7. Bakari Watkins - Juvenile

  8. Aaron Jones - Ballistic

  9. Wendell Allen - Judge Dread

  10. Earl Weaver - Main Event

  11. Marcellus Heflin - Ruff Ryder

  12. Douglas Glover - Corporal Punishment

  13. Andrew Harvey - Atlas

  14. Bill Wooldridge - Big Punisher


Spring 1996 – Great Expectations

  1. Kevin Meyers - Fast Forward

  2. Jeroyd “Jay” Green - Die Hard

  3. Darrell Hill - Pandimonium

  4. Theodore Caul - Short Fuse

  5. David Lambert - All For One

  6. Eric Hopkins - Mortal Combat

  7. Howard Carn - Higher Learning

  8. Tim Keeles - Clockwork

  9. George “Butch” Ross - Full Metal Jacket


Fall 1992 – Silent Voyage

  1. Charles Neil - Speed Racer

  2. Aubrey Jones - Barney Rubble

  3. John “JD” Alexander - Leathal Weapon

  4. Dandridge Billups - Full House

  5. Stephen Holmes - The Inquistador

  6. Kevin Hart - Hop-A-Long

  7. Charles Smith - Public Enemy

  8. Antoine Frazier - Steeltown

  9. David Williams - D-Money

  10. Stanley Bay - Edward Scissorhands

  11. John Wilkerson - Doc Savage

Summer 1991

  1. Fred Johnson - Flash

  2. Ronnie Cain - Big Daddy Cain

  3. Craig Parsons - Sugar Ray

  4. Tommy Hayes - Big $ Grip?

  5. Troy McLaughlin - Verishnakoff

  6. Randy Byrd - Strictly Business

  7. James Clark - Educator

  8. Chip Anderson - Legacy AKA Dr. Pain

Spring 1990
  1. Benjamin Lambert IV (Missing Link)

  2. Gordon P. Sloan

  3. Ellis A. Henderson Jr. (Comptroller)

  4. D’Oliveira Jones

  5. Charles H. Anderson Jr.

  6. John R. Williams Jr.

Dean – Kevin Jackson


Spring 1989

  1. Kevin L. Goodwyn

  2. Harold E. Harris Jr.

  3. Pearly Nicholson Jr.

  4. Jeff Smith

Dean – Anthony Rogers


Spring 1988

  1. Andrew Aheart

  2. Wade Ellegood

  3. Robert Greene Jr.

  4. Kevin E. Hobbs

  5. Darryl Jackson

  6. Larry Thompson

  7. James Watkins

Dean – Alvoston Taylor


Spring 1987 – The Progressive 10

  1. Brian Telfair - Brainiac Maniac

  2. Milton Howze - The Instructor

  3. Nelson Colbert - Mr. Everything

  4. Isaiah Barnwell - I B Illin'

  5. Norman Jones - Stormin' Norman

  6. Lawrence Logan - The Incredible Hulk

  7. Raymond Davidson - You can call me Ray. You can call me Jay.

  8. Cephus Jackson - Privy

  9. Reginald Coles - Papa Smurf

  10. Harold Parker - Weird Harold

Dean – Alvoston L. Taylor Jr.


Spring 1983

  1. Eddie Allen (Mole)

  2. Douglas E. Faison (Chuck Berry)

  3. Lester Bernard Hairston

  4. Weldon Smith (Preacher Man)

Dean – Clarence Evans


Spring 1979 – Number 7

  1. Ralph Balfour

  2. Tim Conway

  3. Clarence Evans - C-Ball

  4. Tyrone A. Gaines - Grizzly Adams

  5. Rayford L. Harris Jr. - Honcho

  6. Clifton White - Alpha-Balfa

  7. Vernon F. Williams Jr. - Grandpa

Dean – Jesse Chavis


Spring 1977

  1. Jesse H. Chavis Jr.

  2. Vincent C. Eley

  3. Waverly Tillar

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